State Relay Champs this Saturday (no session at Mentone)

The following information is for athletes competing at the Commonwealth Bank State Relay Championships on Saturday 14th of December.  

Event Information 

The event has had a change of location this year. The State Relay Championships will be held at Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium, Epping. Please click here for the location map. It is a considerable distance to Epping so please keep this in mind when establishing travel time to allow sufficient time to get to the event. Athletes are to present themselves at the Mentone table for a uniform check about 1 hour before your event. 

Call Room First Entry Time – 25 minutes prior to the scheduled event start time.  

Call Room Final Entry Time – 20 minutes prior to the scheduled event start time.  

All four relay runners are to be at the Call Room no later than the Final Entry Time.  

Please find attached the link to the 2024/25 State Relay Championships Event Page information page 

Parent Duty Roster and Role Descriptions 

As per regionals, these events cannot run without everyone's help. Please click here to access the draft duty roster and familiarise yourself with the times/roles. We have allocated duties in line with your athletes event times. If there are any concerns with what you have been allocated can you please advise?

  • Closed-shoes are required when on duty - no thongs/sandals. 

  • Please don't use your phones whilst on duty. 

  • Please check-in at the Mentone tent 15 mins before your duty - don't go straight to your duty. 

Place Judge Scribe (Start/Finish Line)  

Assist in recording finishing order of teams (as a backup to photo finish results)    

General Official  

Effectively a “backup” official for any duties where we require an additional official on the day 

Takeover Zone 1 Umpire D 

Will be positioned by the Zone Chief. Monitor baton changes to ensure they occur correctly within the permitted change zone. 


Assist with Mentone Tent Setups/Pulldowns 

Mentone Relief – a “backup” Mentone official in case a parent does not turn up for their duty 

Uniform Check/Roster Assistant – to help the Mentone Team Manager check uniforms and mark of parents who arrive for duties 


Ensure the correct Centre Uniform is worn, or your relay team may be disqualified, and pay special attention to the following: 

  • Coles patches must be sewn onto tops above the LAVic logo. 

  • Registration Chest Patches are required (pinned on). 

  • Shorts/ leggings must be the approved LAVic shorts or in plain black without pockets, lines, or logos larger than 4cm x 4cm.  See samples below.

  • Spikes may be worn for all relay events by athletes in the U11-17 age groups only. Only conical or pyramid spikes are permitted to be worn. 

Mentone Team Managers 

Our club Team Managers for the day are Natalie Lorinc 0420 278 590 (am) and Sophie Bourke 0433 253 806 (pm). Please call them, or your Age Group Manager, if you have any problems/concerns. 

Go Mentone! 


Round 8 Wrap Up - Centre Training


Round 8 - This Saturday 7. December: Coles Community Round!